Proteome-wide copy-number estimation from transcriptomics.
Andrew J Sweatt, Cameron D Griffiths, Sarah M Groves, B Bishal Paudel, Lixin Wang, David F Kashatus, and Kevin A Janes.
Mol Syst Biol. 2024; online ahead of print.
Multivariate analysis of metabolic state vulnerabilities across diverse cancer contexts reveals synthetically lethal associations.
Cara Abecunas, Audrey D Kidd, Ying Jiang, Hui Zong, Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani.
Cell Rep.. 2024; Sep 20;43(10):114775.
Protocol for iterative indirect immunofluorescence imaging in cultured cells, tissue sections, and metaphase chromosome spreads.
Hsu J, Nguyen KT, Bujnowska M, Janes KA, Fallahi-Sichani M.
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A genetic mosaic mouse model illuminates the pre-malignant progression of basal-like breast cancer.
Jianhao Zeng, Shambhavi Singh, Ying Jiang, Eli Casarez, Kristen A. Atkins, Kevin A. Janes, Hui Zong.
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Nucleocytoplasmic transport of active HER2 causes fractional escape from the DCIS-like state.
Lixin Wang, B. Bishal Paudel, R. Anthony McKnight, Kevin A. Janes.
Nature Communications. 2023; 14(1):2110.
Opa1 and Drp1 reciprocally regulate cristae morphology, ETC function, and NAD+ regeneration in KRas-mutant lung adenocarcinoma.
Dane T. Sessions, Kee-Beom Kim, Jennifer A. Kashatus, Nikolas Churchill, Kwon-Sik Park, Marty W. Mayo, Hiromi Sesaki, David F. Kashatus.
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KSTAR: An algorithm to predict patient-specific kinase activities from phosphoproteomic data.
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Modeling the complete kinetics of coxsackievirus B3 reveals human determinants of host-cell feedback.
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Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform Subspace Modeling for Image Classification.
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Mechanistic models of microbial community metabolism.
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Identifying functional metabolic shifts in heart failure with the integration of omics data and a heart-specific, genome-scale model.
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Epigenetic modulation reveals differentiation state specificity of oncogene addiction.
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Data-Driven Computational Modeling Identifies Determinants of Glioblastoma Response to SHP2 Inhibition.
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Premalignant oligodendrocyte precursor cells stall in a heterogeneous state of replication stress prior to gliomagenesis.
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KinPred: A unified and sustainable approach for harnessing proteome-level human kinase-substrate predictions.
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Ten simple rules for being a faculty advocate of first-year graduate students.
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Mito Hacker: a set of tools to enable high-throughput analysis of mitochondrial network morphology.
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A linear optimal transportation framework for quantifying and visualizing variations in sets of images.
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Enabling early detection of osteoarthritis from presymptomatic cartilage texture maps via transport- based learning.
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New analysis pipeline for high-throughput domain-peptide affinity experiments improves SH2 interaction data.
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Transcriptome-guided parsimonious flux analysis improves predictions with metabolic networks in complex environments.
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Sporadic activation of an oxidative stress-dependent NRF2-p53 signaling network in breast epithelial spheroids and premalignancies.
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Glioblastoma Cell Resistance to EGFR and MET Inhibition Can Be Overcome via Blockade of FGFR-SPRY2 Bypass Signaling.
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Phenotype-based probabilistic analysis of heterogeneous responses to cancer drugs and their combination efficacy.
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Cell Image Classification: A Comparative Overview.
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Guiding the Refinement of Biochemical Knowledgebases with Ensembles of Metabolic Networks and Machine Learning.
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Robust latent-variable interpretation of in vivo regression models by nested resampling.
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The inner centromere is a biomolecular condensate scaffolded by the chromosomal passenger complex.
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Drp1 Promotes KRas-Driven Metabolic Changes to Drive Pancreatic Tumor Growth.
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Mechanistic identification of biofluid metabolite changes as markers of acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in rats.
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In situ 10-cell RNA sequencing in tissue and tumor biopsy samples.
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Genome-Scale Characterization of Toxicity-Induced Metabolic Alterations in Primary Hepatocytes.
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Inferring Metabolic Mechanisms of Interaction within a Defined Gut Microbiota.
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Combined c-Met/Trk Inhibition Overcomes Resistance to CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Glioblastoma.
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Identification of Drivers of Aneuploidy in Breast Tumors.
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Automated brightfield morphometry of 3D organoid populations by OrganoSeg.
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Tumor-Suppressor Inactivation of GDF11 Occurs by Precursor Sequestration in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.
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Reconciled rat and human metabolic networks for comparative toxicogenomics and biomarker predictions.
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Adaptive resistance of melanoma cells to RAF inhibition via reversible induction of a slowly dividing de-differentiated state.
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Detecting and segmenting cell nuclei in two-dimensional microscopy images.
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Andrew J Sweatt, Cameron D Griffiths, Sarah M Groves, B Bishal Paudel, Lixin Wang, David F Kashatus, and Kevin A Janes.
Mol Syst Biol. 2024; online ahead of print.
Multivariate analysis of metabolic state vulnerabilities across diverse cancer contexts reveals synthetically lethal associations.
Cara Abecunas, Audrey D Kidd, Ying Jiang, Hui Zong, Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani.
Cell Rep.. 2024; Sep 20;43(10):114775.
Protocol for iterative indirect immunofluorescence imaging in cultured cells, tissue sections, and metaphase chromosome spreads.
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A genetic mosaic mouse model illuminates the pre-malignant progression of basal-like breast cancer.
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Nucleocytoplasmic transport of active HER2 causes fractional escape from the DCIS-like state.
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Opa1 and Drp1 reciprocally regulate cristae morphology, ETC function, and NAD+ regeneration in KRas-mutant lung adenocarcinoma.
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Premalignant oligodendrocyte precursor cells stall in a heterogeneous state of replication stress prior to gliomagenesis.
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Ten simple rules for being a faculty advocate of first-year graduate students.
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Mito Hacker: a set of tools to enable high-throughput analysis of mitochondrial network morphology.
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A linear optimal transportation framework for quantifying and visualizing variations in sets of images.
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Enabling early detection of osteoarthritis from presymptomatic cartilage texture maps via transport- based learning.
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New analysis pipeline for high-throughput domain-peptide affinity experiments improves SH2 interaction data.
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Transcriptome-guided parsimonious flux analysis improves predictions with metabolic networks in complex environments.
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Sporadic activation of an oxidative stress-dependent NRF2-p53 signaling network in breast epithelial spheroids and premalignancies.
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Glioblastoma Cell Resistance to EGFR and MET Inhibition Can Be Overcome via Blockade of FGFR-SPRY2 Bypass Signaling.
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Phenotype-based probabilistic analysis of heterogeneous responses to cancer drugs and their combination efficacy.
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Cell Image Classification: A Comparative Overview.
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Guiding the Refinement of Biochemical Knowledgebases with Ensembles of Metabolic Networks and Machine Learning.
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Robust latent-variable interpretation of in vivo regression models by nested resampling.
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The inner centromere is a biomolecular condensate scaffolded by the chromosomal passenger complex.
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Drp1 Promotes KRas-Driven Metabolic Changes to Drive Pancreatic Tumor Growth.
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Mechanistic identification of biofluid metabolite changes as markers of acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity in rats.
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In situ 10-cell RNA sequencing in tissue and tumor biopsy samples.
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Genome-Scale Characterization of Toxicity-Induced Metabolic Alterations in Primary Hepatocytes.
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Inferring Metabolic Mechanisms of Interaction within a Defined Gut Microbiota.
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Combined c-Met/Trk Inhibition Overcomes Resistance to CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Glioblastoma.
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Identification of Drivers of Aneuploidy in Breast Tumors.
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Automated brightfield morphometry of 3D organoid populations by OrganoSeg.
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CD47 Blockade as an Adjuvant Immunotherapy for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer.
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Reconciled rat and human metabolic networks for comparative toxicogenomics and biomarker predictions.
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Adaptive resistance of melanoma cells to RAF inhibition via reversible induction of a slowly dividing de-differentiated state.
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Detecting and segmenting cell nuclei in two-dimensional microscopy images.
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A Centromere-Signaling Network Underlies the Coordination among Mitotic Events.
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Automated Learning of Subcellular Variation among Punctate Protein Patterns and a Generative Model of Their Relation to Microtubules.
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Detecting and visualizing cell phenotype differences from microscopy images using transport-based morphometry.
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Learning and visualizing statistical relationships between protein distributions from microscopy images.
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Stochastic profiling of transcriptional regulatory heterogeneities in tissues, tumors and cultured cells.
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