Kristen Atkins

Kristen Atkins

Prognostic features in smooth muscle tumors of the uterus, improving staging analysis in ovarian carcinoma.

Shayna Showalter

Shayna Showalter

Breast Cancer Clinical Trials, Early Stage Breast Cancer, Outcomes Research

Mohammad Fallahi Sichani

Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani

My research, at the interface of computational systems biology, quantitative pharmacology and cancer biology, aims at discovering fundamental mechanisms that regulate the behavior of human cells in response to perturbations. From a detailed understanding of these mechanisms, we can learn to improve the responses of healthy cells to harmful stimuli, and develop rational strategies to induce selective killing in cancer cells.

Todd Stukenberg

Todd Stukenberg

Mechanisms of chromosome segregation in Mitosis and generation of Chromosomal Instability in tumors

Sara Adair 1

Sara Adair

Matthew Lazzara

Matt Lazzara

Our lab studies the biochemistry of cellular decision-making using a combination of experimental and computational approaches, with the ultimate goal of rationally designing improved therapeutic approaches for cancer and other diseases.

Kevin Janes

Kevin Janes

My research combines engineering principles with molecular biology to tackle fundamental problems in cancer and infectious disease.

Ying Jiang

Ying Jiang

I am studying the role of microglia and astrocytes in the tumor microenvironment (TME) of medulloblastoma, a type of pediatric brain cancer, with a strong interest in the modulation of neuro-immunology, especially innate immunity.

Ray Zeng

Jianhao (Ray) Zeng

I am studying cellular events at pre-neoplastic stage of BRCA1-mutated breast cancer with the MADM system.

Mohammad Islam

Mohammad Islam